Triple talq bill 2019|mppsc mains topic paper 2

topic : Triple talaq bill 2019,mppsc mains paper 2 topic.
Triple talaq bill 2019 mppsc mains paper 2 topic ,triple talaq bill notes in hindi /english.

Background sc court banned instant tripple talaq in shayara bano case 2017 on the ground of right to equality

Union government passed bill called muslim women (protection of Rights on marriage) bill 2019. to create deterence against the practicle triple talaq as a criminal offence.


⭕ Make practice of triple talaq as crime

⭕ Doesn't ban but crimilize it if done it

⭕ Wife get subsistence allowence and custody of children

⭕ Husband will be arrested.

Criticism of bill

⭕ If sc has banned the custom there is no neccesity of bill subsistence allowence etc has no meaning when talaq itself banned

⭕ If husband himself is arrested how can give allowence to wife

How diluted

⭕ Law cognisable only if wife or her blood relative file police complain

⭕ If husband is arrested and magistate grant hearing to wife husband may get bail

⭕ Bill makes compundable offence,means if there is compromise b/w two parties it wont be considerd as crime.
Triple talq bill 2019|mppsc mains topic paper 2 Triple talq bill 2019|mppsc mains topic paper 2 Reviewed by MPPSC STUDY GROUP on August 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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